Ephesians 1

I kneel before the Father... and pray to know the width, length, height and depth of the LOVE of Christ... Amen

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Winter Wonderland and Auburn's year of precipitation

For the few who follow and don't personally know me or know where the Heart of Dixie is (you should be ashamed of yourself not to know that one, but i digress)... I don't live in the Northeast or West or anywhere near. The snow above is uniquely Auburn.
So naturally, schools closed at the mere whisper of "icy conditions," the grocery stores ran out of gallon-sized waters and college kids traded Northface backpacks for ski shells.
It was a true winter wonderland, and my friends and I made the most of our snow day here on The Plains.
I love how people from the South have such a picturesque view of snow... It makes me think of hot chocolate, fires, scarves and 1993-the year of the blizzard.
I love even more that I can appreciate this weather one day every 2-3 years, but I get to layout as early as March and as late as October...
To that, let it snow. Let it snow. Let it snow!

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